- How can I print each provider's schedule?
- How do I add my online consent form to my service?
- When a customer books an appointment, their appointment time is different from what I see on my calendar.
- How do I change the date or time format?
- I'm having trouble getting any services to show up now on my site. How do I assign services to my provider?
- What is fixed vs flexible availabilities type?
- Is there a way to change the email notification that is sent to the customer?
- What is the Online Results Form field found in the Services screen?
- I customer double-booked. How can I delete the appointment?
- I received two appointments back-to-back for the same person using the same email address. Is there something wrong?
- Can I change a customer's appointment details?
- How do I view all my appointments for the day?
- How do I block off my calendar so customers cannot book appointments?
- How do I change my credit card saved for recurring payments of my Rx Appointments Subscription?
- Is there a way to screen patients before they book an appointment? We need to be able to only let people born before a specific day or who are healthcare providers actually book appointments.
- Is there a quick way to export email addresses and phone numbers for all of my customers?
- If I want to open appointments for just this week, how do I prevent a customer from booking appointments next week or next month?
- What is the difference between Provider's Working Plan and the Business Logic Working Plan?
- I blocked off my calendar as "Unavailable" and customers cannot book with my service. How do I clear up my calendar?
- I just signed up. How do I schedule a free phone consultation?
- My customer did not get the appointment email notification. How do I resend it?
- My customer's appointment times are not correct. How do I fix it?
- How do I add PayPal, Stripe, or Square to take online payments
- How can I view, change, or cancel my subscription plan?
- How can I set up my service to be restricted/private so that not everyone can book it?